Keep it “healthy” this holiday season!

Posted on Dec 19, 2019 in Ola Lokahi

 Choose Healthy Now @ Home Recipe BookKeiki Can Cook Fun Recipes to Make with KidsNutrition Wellness Policy Guide








Holidays are a time to gather with the people you love. One way to show your family, friends and colleagues that you care is by making sure that the food you share or prepare at gatherings and events is healthy. While this may sometimes seem like a daunting task, the Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion Division’s Primary Prevention Branch has developed recipe books and meal-planning guides to make preparing healthy meals easier. Take the guess work out of meal planning and download your free copies of these resources to keep on-hand throughout the holiday season:

The Choose Healthy Now @ Home Recipe Book contains potluck recipe ideas for breakfast, mealtime, and “anytime,” and all of these recipes are DOH-approved.  

Prepping meals for kids? The Keiki Can Cook: Fun Recipes to Make with Kids Cookbook contains healthy and fun recipes that appeal to kids.

The Nutrition Wellness Policy must be followed for all DOH-sponsored meetings and events (Intra-Departmental Directive No 15-0). Employees, contractors, caterers and other organizations providing food and beverage services on behalf of DOH should review and comply with the Nutrition Wellness Policy Guide.

Still planning to create your own special dish? Here are some easy tips* to stay healthy and mindful as you celebrate the holidays:

  • Serve smaller portions.
    • Enjoy holiday treats, like butter mochi and pumpkin pie, in smaller portions. Cut desserts in half and balance your plate with fresh fruit instead!
  • Include lots of colorful fruits and vegetables.
    • Decorate your dish with fruits and vegetables to add flavor, color and nutrients to holiday favorites – they will help your guests feel fuller longer and help them avoid the temptation to overeat.
  • Keep holiday traditions, but make small changes and smart substitutions when you can.
    • Instead of butter, use a healthier vegetable oil or substitute equal parts unsweetened applesauce when baking.
    • Use low-fat or nonfat milk instead of whole milk or heavy cream.
    • Instead of adding chocolate chips or candies, use dried fruit, like cranberries or raisins.
  • Liven things up with some opportunities to be physically active with family and friends.
    • Go for a walk or run after a holiday meal with family…furry members included!

Did you make a dish worth sharing, or do you have more healthy recipe ideas? Share them with your colleagues on the DOH Staff Only Facebook Group!

*Healthy tips for the holidays adapted from the American Heart Association and Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.