Department of Health: 90 New COVID-19 Cases Today – All on O‘ahu All 90 new cases of coronavirus reported by DOH today are on the island of O‘ahu. It’s been several months since case counts were zero for all Neighbor Islands. No additional deaths were reported. Hawai‘i COVID-19 Counts as of 12:00 noon, Sept. 28, ...
Read More Hawai‘i COVID-19 Daily News Digest September 28, 2020

Department of Health: Three Deaths and 112 New Cases Reported Today Three (3) O‘ahu residents increase Hawai‘i’s COVID-19 death count to 127 people. All three people had underlying health conditions, and all had been in the hospital. One was a man in the 60-69-year-old age group. Two women also passed away; one in the 50-59-year-old ...
Read More Hawai‘i COVID-19 Daily News Digest September 25, 2020

Governor’s Office: COVID-19 Emergency Period Extended & Pre-Travel Testing Program Authorized Late yesterday, Gov. David Ige signed a 13th supplementary emergency proclamation that extends the COVID-19 emergency period through Oct. 31. The emergency proclamation leaves in place the 14-day mandatory quarantine requirement for out-of-state travelers. However, beginning Oct. 15, a pre-travel testing option will allow ...
Read More Hawai‘i COVID-19 Daily News Digest September 24, 2020

Department of Health: Two Deaths and 168 New Cases Reported Today Two (2) O‘ahu residents increase Hawai‘i’s COVID-19 death count to 122 people. A man, 80-years-old or older, passed away while hospitalized. Both he and a woman in the 70 to 79-year-old age group had underlying health conditions. She passed away at home. DOH is ...
Read More Hawai‘i COVID-19 Daily News Digest September 23, 2020

Governor’s Office: Governor Ige Gives Verbal Approval to City & County of Honolulu Recovery Framework Governor Ige is expected to sign off on the latest COVID-19 emergency order from the City & County of Honolulu, aimed at reducing virus spread and to put O‘ahu on the path to economic recovery. The new order establishes criteria ...
Read More Hawai‘i COVID-19 Daily News Digest September 22, 2020

Hawai‘i COVID-19 Joint Information Center: Two of Three Reports Released On COVID-19 Cluster & Deaths at State Veterans Home Two reports detailing in-depth assessments of conditions and protocols at the Yukio Okutsu State Veterans Home (YOSVH) in Hilo, have been developed. The assessments were conducted separately by the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) and ...
Read More Hawai‘i COVID-19 Daily News Digest September 21, 2020

Joint Information Center: COVID-19 Quarantine Exemption Requests Go Digital Beginning Saturday In an effort to make the quarantine exemption process easier and more efficient, the State Office of Enterprise Technology Services (ETS), developed a new web-based form which goes live on Saturday, Sept. 19, 2020. Previously those seeking exemptions, such as critical medical or infrastructure ...
Read More Hawai‘i COVID-19 Daily News Digest September 18, 2020

Governor’s Office: Focus on Health of Students, Teachers, & Staff At a morning news briefing, Gov. David Ige acknowledged that the COVID-19 pandemic has been especially tough for families with school-aged children. He said reopening Hawai‘i schools touches on three priorities he announced yesterday: Protecting the health of our community Reviving our economy Strengthening our ...
Read More Hawai‘i COVID-19 Daily News Digest September 17, 2020

Governor’s Office: Pre-Travel Testing Option to Begin on Oct. 15, 2020 At an afternoon news briefing, Gov. David Ige announced plans for a Hawai‘i pre-travel testing program that gives travelers the option of possibly avoiding a 14-day-long quarantine upon arrival to the state. This is viewed as one of the key measures for revitalizing Hawai‘i’s ...
Read More Hawai‘i COVID-19 Daily News Digest September 16, 2020

Lieutenant Governor’s Office: COVID-19 Update As of today, Lt. Gov. Josh Green and two deputy sheriffs remain the only three (3) positive COVID-19 cases in the Lieutenant Governor’s Office. All eleven (11) other employees have tested negative. Additionally, Lt. Gov. Green’s wife and two children have tested negative. Everyone will remain in quarantine until cleared ...
Read More Hawai‘i COVID-19 Daily News Digest September 15, 2020

Lieutenant Governor’s Office: Update on LG’s Office COVID-19 Exposure As Lt. Gov. Josh Green self-isolates at home, a second deputy sheriff assigned to his security detail has tested positive for COVID-19. Lt. Gov. Green received a positive coronavirus test on Friday after the first deputy received a positive test earlier in the day. Office employees ...
Read More Hawai‘i COVID-19 Daily News Digest September 14, 2020

Lieutenant Governor’s Office: Statement on Behalf of the Lieutenant Governor’s Office A member of the Lieutenant Governor’s team has tested positive for COVID-19, and the office was notified at 9 a.m. on Friday, Sept. 11. The office’s 14 employees, including administrative and executive teams and security detail, will quarantine and get tested. Last Wednesday, Lt. ...
Read More Hawai‘i COVID-19 Daily News Digest September 11, 2020

Department of Health:  Decline in COVID-19 Cases Seen as a Positive Indication Measures are Working After nearly six weeks of elevated numbers of positive COVID-19 cases, Hawai‘i is beginning to turn the corner and regain control of the spread of the disease on all islands. On July 29, DOH reported the number of cases had ...
Read More Hawai‘i COVID-19 Daily News Digest September 10, 2020

Department of Health: Three Additional O‘ahu Deaths and 100 New Cases Three (3) O‘ahu men are the latest people to pass away from coronavirus. All three had underlying medical conditions. Two were in the 60 to 69-year-old age group and the third was in the 70 to 79-year-old age group. Their deaths increase Hawai‘i’s death ...
Read More Hawai‘i COVID-19 Daily News Digest September 9, 2020

Office of the Governor: Governor Approves Extension of Stay-at-Home Order for O‘ahu with Modifications Gov. David Ige has approved another two-week extension of the “State-at-Home, Work-at-Home” order for the City and County of Honolulu, which will now end Sept. 24. In a news briefing today, Gov. Ige said, “We have seen a flattening in the number of new ...
Read More Hawai‘i COVID-19 Daily News Digest September 8, 2020

Department of Health: 271 New Cases and Two Additional COVID-19 Deaths Two O‘ahu residents, a man in the 60 to 69-year-old age group and a woman, older than 80, are the latest victims to pass away from COVID-19. Both had underlying health conditions and had been hospitalized. Hawai‘i COVID-19 Counts as of 12:00 noon, Sept. ...
Read More Hawai‘i COVID-19 Daily News Digest September 4, 2020

Governor’s Office: Free Surge Testing Continues and is Encouraged Governor David Ige is again encouraging everyone on O‘ahu who has not been tested for COVID-19 to take advantage of free testing at various sites around the island for the next 10 days. The U.S. Dept. of Health and Human Services and U.S. Surgeon General Dr. ...
Read More Hawai‘i COVID-19 Daily News Digest September 3, 2020

Department of Health: 339 New Cases and One Additional COVID-19 Death An O‘ahu man, in the 50 to 59-year-old age group, is the 75th person to pass away from coronavirus in Hawai‘i since the beginning of the pandemic. He had underlying conditions and had been in the hospital. Of the 339 new positive cases reported today, ...
Read More Hawai‘i COVID-19 Daily News Digest September 2, 2020

Governor’s Office: Thousands Tested in Unique H-3 Surge Testing With a string of people lined up in their vehicles to receive their free COVID-19 test as a backdrop, Gov. Ige discussed today’s H-3 Freeway surge testing program. The governor and organizers of the event believe this, combined with a repeat testing day on Thursday, will ...
Read More Hawai‘i COVID-19 Daily News Digest September 1, 2020

Office of the Governor: Governor Announces Additional Unemployment Funding   Gov. David Ige has announced that the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), has approved the State’s application to participate in the unemployment insurance plus up program, called the Lost Wages Assistance Program. On Friday, Gov. Ige said, “We pursued the additional funds because we know the added $300 per week will ...
Read More Hawai‘i COVID-19 Daily News Digest August 31, 2020