Online Preparedness Trainings


The Pacific Emprints at the University of Hawaii has a comprehensive web-based training program. This site contains on-line training tools, conference information, training courses, satellite broadcasts, case studies, and products.

To view this site, go to Pacific Emprints.


 The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) conitinually updates their web-based training courses. Some of these training courses are required under the National Incident Management System for agencies receiving federal funds for preparedness and response activities.

To view this site, go to the FEMA Website .


 Developed by the Secretary of Homeland Security at the request of the President, the National Incident Management System (NIMS) integrates effective practices in emergency preparedness and response into a comprehensive national framework for incident management. The NIMS will enable responders at all levels to work together more effectively to manage domestic incidents no matter what the cause, size or complexity. The benefits of the NIMS system will be significant: Standardized organizational structures, processes and procedures; Standards for planning, training and exercising, and personnel qualification standards; Equipment acquisition and certification standards; Interoperable communications processes, procedures and systems; Information management systems; and Supporting technologies – voice and data communications systems, information systems, data display systems and specialized technologies.

To view this site, go to the official NIMS training website.


 The National Response Plan, or NRP, specifies how the resources of the Federal Government will work in concert with State, local, and tribal governments and the private sector to respond to Incidents of National Significance. The NRF is predicated on the National Incident Management System, or NIMS. Together the NRF and the NIMS provide a nationwide template for working together to prevent or respond to threats and incidents regardless of cause, size, or complexity.

To view this training, go to the official NRF training website.