Developmental Disabilities Council

What is the State Council on Developmental Disabilities?

Mission:  To support people with intellectual and developmental disabilities to control their own destiny and determine the quality of life they desire.

Vision:  People with disabilities are treated equally and enjoy fundamental human rights, among them life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.  They have choices about where they live, work and play, and they receive the supports they need to do so.

The Council is responsible to engage in advocacy, capacity-building, and systemic change activities that are consistent with the policy in the federal law; and contribute to a coordinated, consumer and family-centered and consumer and family-directed, comprehensive system that includes needed community services, individualized supports, and other forms of assistance that promote self-determination for individuals with developmental disabilities and their families.

The Council carries out its responsibilities through policy development, implementation and analysis; researching and promoting new approaches and best practices to services and supports; educating and informing policymakers and the public about developmental disabilities; developing and supporting coalitions; fostering interagency collaboration and coordination; providing training in leadership development and legislative advocacy; and eliminating barriers and enhancing design and redesign of systems.


Location:                   Hawaii State Council on Developmental Disabilities
                                     Kamamalu Building
                                     1010 Richards Street, Suite 122
                                     Honolulu, Hawaii  96813

Contact:                    808-586-8100