You are invited to be a part of Hawaiʻi’s suicide prevention and awareness efforts!
Posted on Sep 16, 2015 in All IPCS News, IPCS core, suicide prevention, Suicide Prevention EventsASIST:Applied Suicide Intervention Skills Training
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Pre‐registration is necessary to attend a training session. Your reservation will be confirmed via email.
This TWO-DAY workshop workshop will equip participants to respond knowledgeably and competently to persons at risk of suicide. Participants learn and practice skills in identifying and responding to people at immediate risk of suicide. Just as “CPR” skills make physical first aid possible, training in suicide intervention develops the skills used in suicide first aid. This is a highly interactive workshop that will give you the training that you need in order to be a care‐giving resource within your community.
Thursday, October 8th AND Friday, October 9th
8:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. on BOTH DAYS at Queen Liliʻuokalani Children’s Center’s Honolulu Unit (1300‐A Halona Street, Honolulu, Hawai‘i, 96817)
* Attendees must be present for BOTH FULL DAYS to receive certification.
* Please be on time – late‐comers may be turned away.
* Because there is no cost to participants, meals are NOT provided. There will be
ample time to purchase lunch off‐site, or you may bring lunch.
Please note that those who have experienced a recent loss to suicide may find attending suicide prevention trainings very difficult and are cautioned against participating. For survivor resources, feel free to contact us.
Any questions can be directed to:
A special thanks to the Hawai’i State Department of Health for their sponsorship of these trainings!