Community Enrichment Through Storytelling: How your Stories Build Connection and Provide Direction

Posted on Oct 27, 2014 in All IPCS News, Core SVIPP Grant, injury prevention (all), Voices of Injury Prevention

Community Enrichment Through Storytelling: How your Stories Build Connection and Provide Direction

Please register for the special day-long free training entitled: “Community Enrichment Through Storytelling: How your Stories Build Connection and Provide Direction”
The Presenter is Jay Golden, Storyteller Trainer and Co-founder of Wakingstar. Please do not miss this exciting training about community enrichment through techniques of storytelling. Local work force members will share one of their “stories” as models of how we can develop our own stories to enrich our work and our communities through developed connection and direction.

Dr. Linda Rosen, MD, MPH, director of the Hawaii State Department of Health and chief of the Emergency Medical Services and Injury Prevention System Branch, will be one of the three storytellers!

Register Here
Note: We are now using a new registration system called Eventbrite. It is easy to use and will talk about your “ticket” after you register. Just register and that is all we need (do not worry about the ticket).

Date: October 30, 2014, Thursday
Time: 8:30-4:00pm-see attached agenda for schedule and flyer
Location: Queens Conference Center Auditorium at 510 South Beretania Street Honolulu, HI 96813
Modality: Face-to-face and Webcasting is available to neighbor islands and off-site locations. Webcast is one-way live streaming with video and audio (no interaction). Register and Camille Cristobal will email you a ID number to access the webcasting aspect.
Cost: Free and on your own for lunch and parking.
Distribution: Share this announcement with your contacts.
Lunch: Lunch-lunch on your own. Brownbag–bring your own lunch if you like.
Parking: Parking on your own. Parking validate at QCC desk available if parking in POB 1 or 2 only (not POB 3) for first 30 persons.
Contact: Camille Cristobal at and phone 627-5246
CEUs: Five (5) CEUs are available for CSAC from DOH’s ADAD and Five (5) CEUs are pending from NASW-Hawaii
NI: There are no scholarships for neighbor island folks.
Registration: Even if you cannot come to the whole event, please register.

[button link=”” color=”red” newwindow=”yes”] Download Flyer[/button] [button link=”” color=”red” newwindow=”yes”] Download Agenda[/button] [button link=”” newwindow=”yes”] Registration[/button]

This is sponsored by the Hawai‘i Public Health Training Hui. The Hawai‘i Public Health Training Hui (HPHTH) is a coalition of individuals and organizations formed in 2006 to provide statewide leadership, coordination, and collaboration to meet identified common public health training and technical assistance needs.

Valerie Yontz, PhD – Chair of the Hawai‘i Public Health Training Hui Specialist at UH Office of Public Health Studies

Funding for this core competency training  was made possible (in part) by the Cooperative Agreement 11‐1101, funded by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. The views expressed in written materials or publications and by speakers and moderators do not necessarily reflect the official policies of the Department of Health and Human Services, nor does the mention of trade names, commercial practices, or organizations imply endorsement by the U.S. Government.

Nicholas Lee Hines MPH, Core SVIPP Grant Coordinator

Update (4/7/2016): visit the story bank: [button link=”” newwindow=”yes”] Voices of Injury Prevention[/button]