O’AHU! You are invited to be a part of Hawaiʻi’s suicide prevention and awareness efforts!

Posted on Jan 29, 2016 in City and County of Honolulu (Island of Oahu), suicide prevention, Suicide Prevention Events

 You are invited to be a part of Hawaiʻi’s

suicide prevention and awareness efforts!

safeTALK: Tell, Ask, Listen and KeepSafe

[button link=”https://health.hawaii.gov/injuryprevention/files/2016/01/flyer_oahusafetalk_160129.pdf” newwindow=”yes”] See Flyer Here![/button]

This three‐hour workshop will prepare you to recognize and support a person with thoughts
of suicide. You will become a safeTALK‐trained suicide alert helper,” which will allow you to move beyond
the common tendency to dismiss or avoid talking about suicide. This training will provide instruction in how to properly connect
a person with thoughts of suicide to first aid and intervention caregivers.

 Thursday, February 11, 2016 1:00
p.m. to 4:00 p.m.
(registration from 12:30 p.m.)


Department of Health Offices

(Pearl City area)   2201 Waimano Home Road Hale F Conference Room Pearl City, Hawai‘i,

Interested in attending this training?

Online registration is available at:


Please note that those who have experienced a recent suicide loss may find attending suicide
prevention trainings
difficult. If you are grieving the loss of a loved one, we caution you to take the time
to truly evaluate your readiness
to attend any suicide prevention trainings. Please feel free to contact
us for survivor resources.

Any questions can be directed towards:


A special thanks to the Hawai’i
State Department of Health

for their
sponsorship of these trainings!