Open Burning and Agricultural Burning Permits in Hawaii
Open Burning
An open outdoor fire or open burning emits pollutants directly into the ambient air and includes agricultural, residential, and prescribed burning. The rules regulating open burning are Hawaii Administrative Rules (HAR) Section 11-60.1 Subchapter 3. Generally open burning is prohibited with a few exceptions such as cooking, fire training, and agricultural burning with a valid permit. Other types of open burning require approval from DOH-CAB. Since January 2012, “backyard” burning of garbage and yard waste has been prohibited on all islands.
Agricultural Burning Permits
The DOH-CAB regulates the open burning activities in the State and has the authority to administer the Agricultural Burning Permit (AGP) program. To burn green waste generated from their agricultural operations, legitimate agricultural businesses must obtain an AGP. The AGP includes permit conditions such as: notification requirements; where burning is allowed; when the burning may occur; what materials can be burned; and other limitations if applicable to minimize visible smoke impacts to schools, highways, airports, and other sensitive areas. Agricultural burning may be further restricted by government agencies in times of drought, fire hazards or “No-Burn” periods. The main requirements for agricultural burning, permits and fees appear in HAR Section 11-60.1-51 to -57, and Section 11-60.1-121. You may apply for an Agricultural Burning Permit by obtaining a hardcopy AGP application form from the CAB Permit Application web page.
Please click on the following links to view related documents:
Hawaii Administrative Rules, Title 11, Chapter 60.1, Air Pollution Control (February 8, 2024)
Open Burning Brochure, September 2024
List of Agricultural Burning Permits currently In Effect