Public Health Preparedness

The Hawaii District Health Office (HDHO) – Public Health Preparedness (PHP) is a program under the Dept of Health and Office of Public Health Preparedness for Hawaii Island.

Hawaii Department of Health’s Mission

The mission of the Department of Health is to protect and improve the health and environment for all people in Hawai‘i .

Office of Public Health Preparedness (OPHP)

The role of OPHP is to plan, prevent, mitigate, respond, and recover from:

  • Natural or human-caused disasters
  • Emerging infectious disease threats, epidemics, and pandemics
  • Terrorism, spills, and accidents that impact human health
  • Other public health emergencies or disasters

For more information : State of Hawaii – Office of Public Health Preparedness

                                                         Prepare Now

Hawaii District Health Office – Public Health Preparedness

Goal:  To make emergency preparedness equitable to all on Hawaii Island.

Objective: To protect the public’s health and safety in the event of an emergency or disaster through community outreach and education for preparedness.  Staff is focused on collaborating and coordinating with local agencies and community partners to prepare our island to respond to these emergencies.

The program has designated staff for county-wide planning, to protect the public’s health and safety in the event of an emergency or disaster through community outreach and education for preparedness.  Staff is focused on collaborating and coordinating with local agencies and community partners to prepare our island to respond to these emergencies.

HDHO PHP : (808) 974-6028

Current Conditions :

County of Hawaii Emergency Alerts : Sign up here
County of Hawaii Hazard Map : Click Here for Map

Big Island Medical Reserve Corps (MRC)

A local network of volunteers (medical and non medical) engaging with local community outreach to strengthen public health, reduce vulnerability, build resilience, and improve preparedness, response, and recovery capabilities.

To become a volunteer : Nā Lima Kāko’o (click to register on-line)

  • Must be 18 years or older
  • Must ensure the profile information stays current
  • Must complete registration form
  • Must successfully pass a criminal background check

 Big Island MRC Web Page


Hawaii Train:  Link to Train

MRC Unit Coordinator : (808) 974-6010
Email :

Funded by cooperative agreement: Public Health Emergency Preparedness (PHEP) and Administration of Strategic Preparedness and Response (ASPR) under the U.S. Dept of Health and Human Services.