Hawai‘i COVID-19 Daily News Digest March 30, 2021

Posted on Mar 30, 2021 in News Releases

Department of Health:


Daily and Weekly Preliminary Vaccine Administration Updates

71 New COVID-19 Cases Reported Today.

DOH reports 71 new cases of coronavirus today.

This report includes cases up until Sunday at 11:59 p.m. Full data is posted on the State COVID-19 dashboard and on the DOH Disease Outbreak & Control Division website daily: hawaiicovid19.com/dashboard.

Hawai‘i COVID-19 Counts as of 11:59 p.m. March 28, 2021

Island of Diagnosis New Cases Reported since


(including new cases)

O‘ahu 45 23,021
Hawai‘i 6 2,463
Maui 12 2,826
Kaua‘i 1 190
Moloka‘i 0 34
Lānaʻi 0 110
HI residents diagnosed outside of HI 7 937
Total Cases 71 29,581++
Deaths    0 462

Hospitalizations as of 8:30 a.m. on 3/28/21 – Hawai‘i-1, Maui 21, O‘ahu-21, Kauaʻi-0

Department of Public Safety:
Statewide Inmate Testing Continues
COVID-19 testing is continuously being conducted statewide at all facilities. The Women’s Community Correctional Center (WCCC) reports 202 negative test results from the facility-wide testing conducted on Monday by WCCC heath care staff and the Hawaiʻi National Guard. There was one (1) inmate who declined testing and was moved into medical isolation as a precaution. The facility enacted its pandemic protocol to quarantine the facility and suspend inmate movement on Friday after two (2) employees reported positive test results. The inmate movement suspension remains in effect today because all WCCC inmates are still under medical observation. If all continues to go well, internal movement is expected to resume within the week and movement outside the facility possibly next week. No WCCC inmates have reported symptoms.

WCCC Warden Eric Tanaka said, “I want to thank DOH for implementing immediate contact tracing and the Hawaiʻi National Guard for coming into the facility on Monday to conduct all inmate testing in one day. I also want to thank my health care and security staff for quickly putting our pandemic plan in action. We couldn’t have done this so fast without the efficient teamwork of all involved.”

The Maui Community Correctional Center (MCCC) reports three (3) inmate recoveries which drops the active positive inmate total to five (5). There are no MCCC inmates in the hospital. The one (1) MCCC employee who was out due to COVID has been cleared to return to work. The Oʻahu Community Correctional center reports 31 negative inmate test result. For more information on PSD’s planning and response efforts to COVID-19:

Hawaiʻi Tourism Authority:
HTA Releases Results from Special Visitor COVID-19 Study
HTA released the results of a special tracking study, which surveyed visitors from the U.S. mainland who visited Hawaiʻi from Feb. 12-28, 2021, to gauge their experience with Hawaiʻi’s Safe Travels program and overall trip satisfaction. This comes two months after the first study was done. In this latest study, the vast majority of visitors (82%), rated their trip as “Excellent,” and 92% said their trip either exceeded or met their expectations. The survey also asked visitors how often they followed the COVID-19 guidelines, and 90% of respondents said they adhered to mask mandates all or most of the time, 83% said they practiced social distancing all or most of the time, and 69% said they avoided gatherings all or most of the time. The press release and complete survey results are available on HTA’s website: www.hawaiitourismauthority.org/media/7046/2021-03-30-visitor-covid-19-study-press-release.pdf

19,491 Passengers Arrive on Monday
Yesterday, a total of 19,491 people arrived in Hawai‘i from out of state. A total 13,612 people indicated they came to Hawai‘i for vacation. There were also 2,231 returning residents. The trans-Pacific passenger arrival data is derived from data provided by the Safe Travels digital system.

To view more: https://www.hawaiitourismauthority.org/covid-19-updates/trans-pacific-passenger-arrivals/

Helpful Resources

Trusted Testing and Travel Partners:

The state of Hawai‘i only accepts Nucleic Acid Amplification Test (NAAT) from a certified Clinical Laboratory Improvement Amendment (CLIA) lab test results from Trusted Testing and Travel Partners. For the full list of domestic trans-Pacific, inter-county, international and airline partners or information on how to become a Trusted Testing Partner, go to:


Safe Travels Hawai‘i Program:
Program overview: https://hawaiicovid19.com/travel/

FAQs: https://hawaiicovid19.com/travel/faqs/ 

Email: [email protected]

Call Center Number: 1-800-GO-HAWAII

COVID-19 Vaccine Status in Hawai‘i and FAQs:


Vaccine Call Center: 808-586-8332

COVID-19 Expanded Dashboard (Tables, Charts, and Visualizations):


Safe Travels Digital Platform:


Kaua‘i County:
Kaua‘i COVID-19 webpage: https://www.kauai.gov/COVID-19
To report violators: https://www.kauai.gov/KPD-Online-Reporting

Vaccine Information: https://www.kauai.gov/vaccine

Maui County:
Maui County travel and COVID-19 information:

To report violators: (808) 244-6400 or [email protected]

PDF:Daily News Digest March 30 2021