Home and community services help older adults, age 60 and older, remain active and independent. Please contact your county office on aging for more information about accessing these services.


Adult Day Care/Adult Day Health – Personal care for dependent older adults in a supervised, protective, and group setting during some portion of the day.

Assisted Transportation
– Door-to-door transit service, including escort, for those who have difficulties (physical or cognitive).

Attendant Care – Companion assistance/oversight of older adults who are frail or have one or more disabling conditions.

Case Management – Assistance to identify needs, explore options, and develop a care plan to achieve greater independence.

Chore Services – Assistance for those unable to perform yard and heavy housework.

Congregate Meals – A meal provided to an older adult in a group setting.

Home Delivered Meals – Meals delivered to frail and vulnerable older adults at their place of residence.

Homemaker/Housekeeper – Help in preparing meals, grocery shopping, managing money, using the telephone, doing housework, and taking medication.

Information and Assistance – A service that provides older adults information on services available within their communities and links them to these services.

Legal Assistance – Legal advice, counseling, and representation by an attorney or legal assistant.

Nutrition Education – Culturally sensitive health information and instruction on maintaining good nutrition.

Personal Care – Assistance to older adults who are unable to bathe, eat, dress, toilet, and/or transfer from bed to chair by themselves.

Transportation – Transportation from one location to another.

Contact Information

For more information about services in your local area, please contact your county office on aging.

Elderly Affairs Division (Honolulu) phone: (808)768-7700   •   website: elderlyaffairs.com

Hawai’i County Office of Aging phone: (808)961-8626   •   website: hcoahawaii.org

Maui County Office on Aging phone: (808)270-7774   •   website: mauicountyadrc.org

Kaua’i Agency on Elderly Affairs phone: (808)241-4470   •   website: kauaiadrc.org

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