Important Information

Governmental Plans

that impact the future of Kalaupapa


National Park Service

  • Kalaupapa National Historical Park – General Management Plan (2021)
  • Kalaupapa National Historical Park – Superintendent’s Compendium (2024)

2021, 2024


Department of Hawaiian Home Lands

  • Molokaʻi Island Plan (2005)

2005, 2021


Department of Health

  • Kalaupapa Strategic Plan for Transition (1991)
  • Kalaupapa Transition Update (2023)
  • DOH Kalaupapa Transfer Plan (2024)

1991, 2023, 2024

Intergovernmental Agreements

related to Kalawao County and Kalaupapa

Involved AgenciesType of AgreementYear Agreement StartedPurposeLink
DHHL - NPSLease1991Leases the land of Kalaupapa Settlement (1,290 acres) to NPS along with operational responsibilities. Allows for DOH to continue providing health care and residence for remaining patients.PDF icon
DOH - NPSCooperative Agreement1984Outlines the division of responsibilities required to manage operational efforts in Kalaupapa and the planned transition of DOH duties to NPS.PDF icon
DLNR - NPSCooperative Agreement2009Outlines shared resource management activities in the 9,394 acres owned by DLNR. Designates the National Park Service to protect and preserve archeological sites, native ecosystems, threatened and endangered species, and water and air quality, and to conduct research and prepare plans for management, operations, preservation, and interpretation of these resources PDF icon
DOT - NPSCooperative Agreement1987Outlines responsibilities for public access to the airport and surrounding land, access to water and agreements for repairs/construction of airport facilities and utilities.PDF icon
DOH - Maui CountyMutual Aid Agreement1990Maui County will provide fire, law enforcement and emergency medical service assistance to KalaupapaPDF icon
NPS - Roman Catholic ChurchCooperative Agreement1983National Park Service agreed to assist with the maintenance and operation of the St. Philomena’s and St. Francis Churches and the St. Elizabeth Chapel PDF icon
NPS - Hawaii Conference FoundationCooperative Agreement1984Allows for Hawaiʻi Conference Foundation and the Kana‘ana Hou and Siloama congregations to continue using the Hale Kahu structure and Wilcox Parish Hall.PDF icon

Operational Tasks and Responsibilities

related to Kalawao County and Kalaupapa


The current operational tasks and responsibilities at Kalawao County and Kalaupapa are varied and complex. Many of the responsibilities require careful coordination among agencies, the community, and external stakeholders. See the table for a list of current roles, responsibilities and tasks and the agency currently responsible.

Operational Tasks and Responsibilities Table

Role/TaskCurrent Agency with Responsibility
“Jurisdiction and control” of Kalawao County
Permission for people to enter/remain in Kalawao CountyDOH
Visitation to the Park NPS
Visiting Hours, Public Use Limits, Area/Activity Restrictions and ClosuresNPS
Land Ownership and Responsibilities for Structures/Facilities
Lighthouse Area (TMK (2) 6-1-001:003)NPS
Settlement Area (TMK (2) 6-1-001:001) OWNERSHIPDHHL
Settlement Area (TMK (2) 6-1-001:001) Maintenance of Structures and Facilities NPS (leased from DHHL), DOH as "sub-lesee"
Undeveloped Kalawao Areas and Valleys (TMK (2) 6-1-001:002) OWNERSHIPDLNR
Undeveloped Kalawao Areas and Valleys (TMK (2) 6-1-001:002) Preservation of Natural and Cultural Resources including Historic StructuresNPS
Law Enforcement, Emergency Services, Fire Suppression
Kalaupapa National Historical Park Dispatch and Kalaupapa National Historical Park RangersNPS
Kalawao County Sheriff & deputized police officersDOH
Mutual Aid Agreement for Emergency Medical Services, police, fire supportDOH - Maui County
Motor Vehicle Registration and Operations
Rules for Registration and Operation of Motor Vehicles DOH
Fishing Regulations
Visitor Fishing RulesDOH
Statewide Fishing RegulationsDLNR
Kalaupapa National Historical Park Fishing RegulationsNPS
Hunting Regulations
Statewide Hunting Regulations: Game Bird Hunting, Field Trials, and Commercial Shoorting PreservesDLNR
Statewide Hunting Regulations: Game Mammal HuntingDLNR
Kalaupapa National Historical Park Animal Control NPS & DLNR
Road Maintenance
Road Maintenance NPS
Water Utility
Drinking Water Provision and System MaintenanceNPS
Electrical Utility
Repair, maintenance, upgrades of Electrical Distribution SystemNPS
Electrical Service
HECO Master Bill CustomerDOH
Meter reading and submit bill to customerNPS
Telecom/Internet Service
Customer accounts for worksitesDOH, NPS, DOT
Repair, maintenance, upgrades of cesspools, septic systemsNPS
Identify and close or convert historic smaller capacity cesspoolsDOH
Solid Waste Management
Collection, handling and removal of Municipal Solid WasteNPS
Continue required post-closure monitoring and reporting of Municipal Solid Waste landfillDOH
Establish synthetic cover for Municipal Solid Waste landfillDOH
Assess, remediate, and close historic Municipal Solid Waste dump site (shoreline Awahua Beach)DOH
Construction and Demolition Waste
Collection, handling and removal of Construction & Demolition WasteNPS
Continue required closure and post-closure monitoring/reporting of Construction and Demolition (C&D) landfillDOH
Animal Waste
Collection, handling and removal of Animal WasteNPS
Green Waste
Collection, handling and removal of Green WasteNPS
Hazardous Materials
Collection, handling, and removal of HazmatNPS
Collection, handling, and removal of legacy HazmatDOH
Planning, Land Use Zoning, Construction Permitting and Coastal Zone Management
Planning, Land Use Zoning, Construction Permitting, and Coastal Zone Management on DHHL landDOH
Planning, Land Use Zoning, Construction Permitting, and Coastal Zone Management on DLNR landDOH
Air CargoDOH
Annual Barge DOH & NPS
Fresh food (Bread, Dairy, eggs, meats)DOH
Kalaupapa StoreDOH
Gasoline Dispersement to Vehicles and EquipmentDOH
DOH Permits for Store and KitchenDOH
Vehicle and Equipment Maintenance & RepairDOH
AC & Refrigeration MaintenanceDOH
Generator MaintenanceDOH
Lawn MaintenanceDOH & NPS
U.S. Post OfficeUSPS
Small animal control (pets)DOH & NPS
Pest ControlDOH & NPS
TrespassersDOH & NPS
U.S. Army Air Force, National Guard, Navy, and Marines coordination for airport useDOH
Trail MaintenanceNPS
Visitor Quarters Maintenance and HousekeepingDOH

DOH Annual Reports to the Legislature

related to Kalaupapa pursuant to HRS 326-25.5