Public Health Preparedness Program

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About Maui Public Health Preparedness Program
Maui County, in cooperation with state and federal partners, is preparing to respond to potential public health emergencies. The health and safety of our residents and visitors is our highest priority. The information provided will help educate and inform the public about what they can do to prevent or reduce their chances of becoming ill during a public health emergency.

What is the Hawaii Public Health Preparedness Program?
The Hawaii Public Health Preparedness Program is funded by a cooperative agreement with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and coordinated by the Public Health Emergency Preparedness Branch in the Department of Health. The Branch coordinates Hawaii’s smallpox vaccination program; administers the Strategic National Stockpile plan for distribution of emergency pharmaceuticals in case of public health emergencies; and collaborates with State Civil Defense, the Healthcare Association of Hawaii, the County Civil Defense Agencies, and all other related stakeholders in the development and implementation of State and County response plans for bio-terrorism and other public health emergencies.

What is Maui County doing to prepare for a public health emergency?

  • Public Health Preparedness has been increased through the development of enhanced disease surveillance and notification systems and education of health care workers, first responders and the public.
  • The Maui District Health Office has developed field response teams to conduct field investigation and distribute critical supplies to the public during a bio-terrorism emergency, as well as conduct outreach educational programs for intervention of the disease. A group of healthcare workers has been vaccinated against smallpox.
  • Maui District Health Office and Maui County civil defense, police, fire, and rescue personnel are increasing their capacity to respond to emergencies with new detection, analysis, and personal protective equipment.

What can I do in a public health emergency?
Information and instructions will be on television, radio, and in newspapers. In the event of a public health emergency, it might take time to determine exactly what the illness is, how it should be treated, and who is in danger. The public needs to remain calm during this investigative period. Officials will give you information about what to do as quickly as possible. As a standard precaution, everyone should have their personal preparation plan in place and emergency survival kit available. Additional information is available at the Maui Civil Defense website:

What will happen during a public health emergency?
In general, health care providers will begin to see an increase in the numbers of patients with unusual symptoms. The Maui District Health Office will be notified and their field investigators will begin an epidemiological investigation to determine the extent, cause, and mode of transmission of the disease. Once the disease is identified, federal support may be requested and the Maui District Health Office will respond with vaccination or medication dispensing clinics to treat the general public. Public education will be done through meetings and the media to explain to the public how to minimize the chance for illness.

Emergency contacts:
During a public health emergency, information will be made through the media.

Hawaii Department of Health
Maui Public Health Preparedness Program
54 High Street, Room 301
Wailuku, Hawai’i, 96793
(808) 243-8640