Capture Hawaii Trauma System with Infographics

Posted on Mar 10, 2015 in All IPCS News

Capture Hawaii Trauma System with Infographics


Sherry Lauer RN, BSNThe Trauma System for the State of Hawaii continues to improve care across the State. Thanks to our new Trauma Registry by ImageTrend, our 2013 Infographic is available with aggregate data to provide trauma details. This infographic look at our state, and the data available on this infographic is just the tip of the iceberg. With the objective to continually improve care for the injured patients in Hawaii, it is imperative for the trauma registry to be mined for data and utilize performance improvement indicators to monitor for trends and issues. We continue to report data at Hawaii Trauma Advisory Committee meetings and also utilize data for trauma and injury prevention research.

Sherry Lauer RN, BSN – Hawaii State Trauma Program Coordinator


Infographic - Hawaii Trauma - Sherry