EMS-administered naloxone and patient outcomes in Hawaii: Findings from a linked dataset

Posted on Jun 12, 2018 in All IPCS News, Poison Prevention Event

Tammie Smith — DDPI Grant Coordinator

The Hawaii Data-Driven Prevention Initiative (DDPI) team contributed to this year’s annual peer to peer meeting, “Strategic Planning, Implementation, Best Practices, and Lessons Learned” May 2018 in Atlanta.  Hawaii presented and also learn about what other state are doing to fight the opioid epidemic across the nation. The work the Department of Health in partnership with state, county and community leader are doing together is building the capacity of the state EMS and Trauma system and preventing injuries. The team also learned about what other states are doing to fight the opioid epidemic across the nation.

Please review Dr. Daniel Galanis’ presentation: EMS-administered naloxone and patient outcomes in Hawaii: Findings from a linked dataset